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GLOBAL YOUTH JUSTICE, INC. Champions the Establishment, Enhancement, and Expansion of PEER JURY Diversion Programs, also called Peer Court, Student Court, Peer Jury and Youth Peer Court.
In PEER JURY, Historic Numbers of Youth Volunteering for Justice to help their Peers, make it possible for 2,100+ communities and tribes in 12 Countries, to give their youth a 2nd, and even a 3rd chance for committing low-level misdemeanors, minor crimes, offenses and violations.
The three (3) PEER JURY LOGOS above are among seven (7) available Free to anyone, and can be adapted, or utilized as is. For these and other Free logos and images, just email [email protected] and we will email you high quality JPEG Files.

PEER JURY Diversion Programs are the most replicated Juvenile Justice Program in America by a 10:1 Margin, that is further widening, as Local Communities, and many States continue establishing these Youth-Led and Volunteer-Driven Diversion Programs. They are the most replicated Essential Youth Service Program, and one is hard pressed to find another Civic Engagement, and Inclusive Democracy Program, that is so widely replicated as PEER JURY.
For 30 Years, since record keeping began in 1993, they have scaled locally, proven to be affordable, sustainable, and garnered considerable support, from youth and adults.
PEER JURY Diversion Programs are 100% Public Domain, and there are no copyright, trademark, dues, or fees, to establish and operate these Diversion Program. And, everything on the Global Youth Justice, Inc. Website is Public Domain, including FREE LOGOS and much more.
PEER JURY Diversion Programs are a Localized Youth-Led and Volunteer-Driven Diversion Program, for minors typically under age 18, in Juvenile Justice and Youth Justice Systems, and in Schools. In 1993, when record keeping first began in America, there were fewer than fifty (50) of these PEER JURY Diversion Programs.
In 2023, there are a Record 2100+ Communities, Tribes, and Schools, in 48 USA States and 12 Countries, with PEER JURY Diversion Programs, and about 100 have now been established outside America, with Germany and the Netherlands having the most.
PEER JURY Diversion Programs are also called Youth Court, Peer Court, Student Court, Peer Jury, Youth Peer Court, and Youth Panels. Uniquely American, PEER JURY/strong> Diversion Programs are a text-book example of a Local grass-roots movement that has grown into a Global Youth Justice Movement over the past 30 years (1993 to 2023). PEER JURY are now 10x’s more replicated than any Juvenile Justice Program in America, and likely also the most utilized School Disciplinary Program in America.
Never funded directly the U.S. Federal Government, the historic growth of these unique peer to peer diversion programs has been almost entirely local, and PEER JURY Diversion Programs have not stopped spreading locally for 30 years, and for the past ten (10) years, PEER JURY Diversion Program have started spreading to other countries, primarily Democracies.
Because PEER JURY Diversion programs are volunteer-driven, they are affordable, sustainable, and textbook inclusive democracy, as is demonstrated by their ability to be established and maintained in every community. And, adults and youth alike, find them fair, as if implemented properly, they provide a measured response that is not off the hook, and not deep involvement in the justice system.
In PEER JURY Diversion Programs, volunteer youth, to include former defendants, and youth working off their peer-imposed community service hours assigned in PEER JURY, see their role as helping their Peers in Trouble, and not punishing them, but rather giving them a consequence that is measured, such as community service hours within a range determined by adult community leaders, classes on laws and consequences, and jury duty on subsequent cases.
PEER JURY Diversion Programs allow youth who have committed a second low level crime, offense, or misdemeanor to be referred to the PEER JURY Diversion Program a second time. Support among and between youth and youth people, is evident, as if it were not, these volunteer-driven PEER JURY Diversion Programs would not be able to operate without Volunteers.
Completion rates of PEER JURY Diversion Program Requirements is very high, and research and data collection has been positive, recidivism is hard to track for minors in any program. And, there is general consensus that PEER JURY Diversion Programs, are not harmful, and they often service the primary purpose of the community, to make every effort not to entrench youth and young people in the justice system as minors, and ultimately Adults.
Many believe if negative peer pressure is a primary factor in leading some youth to commit a crime, offense and/or violation, then positive peer pressure can be harnessed and redirected to become a positive force and lead other youth to adhere to the rule of law and become more productive citizens. These PEER JURY Diversion Program harness positive peer pressure and utilize it in a peer judgment setting to help address the anti-social, delinquent, and/or criminal behavior of youth.
In PEER JURY the ‘peer judgment’ and ‘positive peer pressure’ aspects of these rapidly expanding youth-led and volunteer-driven programs are the two (2) primary programmatic elements which separate these PEER JURY Diversion Programs, also called Peer Court, Student Court, Peer Jury and Youth Peer Court, from all of the other Diversion and Discipline Programs.
Global Youth Justice’s PEER JURY Data Collection Project
Local PEER JURY Diversion Programs in America, Germany, The Netherlands, UK, Asia, and South America are Administered by 15+ Types of Public and Private Agencies and Organizations. Local Elected and Public Officials are primarily the individuals who determine the administering entity and partners. Although most are administered by one agency or organization, most have 5 Formal Partners.
The below Global Youth Justice Data is based on a 6-Month Data Collection Project involving 12 College Students and 3 Global Youth Justice, Inc. Staff, and required 702 Phone Calls, 2,555 emails, and 871 Letters.
Lead Administer Agency or Organizations for 2100+ PEER JURY Diversion Programs:
- Police Departments/Sheriff Departments/SRO
- Nonprofits and Community Coalitions
- Middle and High Schools & Colleges and Universities
- Probation Departments
- Youth Bureaus and Youth Services
- Courts and Clerks Office
- Social and Human Service Organizations
- District Attorney and Public Defender Offices
- Bar Associations, Rule of Law, LRE, and Civic Engagement
- Tribal and Indigenous Communities
- Social Justice and Racial Justice
- Volunteer and Service Organizations
- 4-H and Cooperative Extension
- Boys and Girls Clubs, YWCA, YMCA
- Dispute Mediation and Conflict Resolution
Global Youth Justice, Inc. conducts 3-4 Trainings Annually to Establish and Enhance and Expand Youth/Teen/Student/Peer Court and Peer Jury Diversion Programs, in addition to an Annual Conference for Operational Peer Jury Diversion Program in America and around the Globe. Visit our Website.